FAQ: Data Security and DataPoint

FAQ: Data Security and DataPoint

Data security is a major concern for all organizations. With today’s world of international hackers, social media tracking, and overreaching government surveillance, it’s important to know how your organization can protect its data. With this in mind, we...
FAQ: Showing Different Text Each Time a Slide Comes Up

FAQ: Showing Different Text Each Time a Slide Comes Up

I know there is the RSS news ticker feature. But, I wonder if we could have a word doc, excel file, or something with rows of text and set up a slide so that each time it comes up, it will randomly select a line of text to display? We wanted to do something like a...
The PowerPoint Selection Pane

The PowerPoint Selection Pane

There is a tool or pane in PowerPoint that everybody should know about and use, but in practice it turns out that not many are aware of this pane, or do not use it at all: the PowerPoint Selection Pane. And we all have been in a situation where you could use this...
FAQ: Should I Export Presentation to 4K Video?

FAQ: Should I Export Presentation to 4K Video?

Does it make sense to export a 1920Ă—1080 PowerPoint presentation to a 4K video? Most of the pictures deployed in the presentation are in full HD 1920Ă—1080 and not in 4K. VA Easy designing in PowerPoint with multiple slides, build your own commercials and advertising...
Digital Signage: SignageTube vs iPoint

Digital Signage: SignageTube vs iPoint

I know that many of you who have followed PresentationPoint for some time and have seen our SignageTube launch information are smart enough to have probably noticed something odd. You might be thinking something like… “SignageTube for digital signage?...
FAQ: Show the Last Value of an Excel Column

FAQ: Show the Last Value of an Excel Column

I want to show the last entry of a column in Excel in real-time. I have an excel file, in which a data (numbers) is added to a specific column. I would like to present the current number updated in the last row of the column in a text box every 1 sec. How can I do...
FAQ: Visual Numbers in PowerPoint

FAQ: Visual Numbers in PowerPoint

I use DataPoint to display real-time information from a database during an event.  When there is a value 30 in the database, then I want to display 30 icons at different locations on the screen.  Sort of a visual representation of a number while updating in real-time....
FAQ: What DPI Should I Be Scanning Pictures At?

FAQ: What DPI Should I Be Scanning Pictures At?

As yours is the first website that gets near to the information I’m looking for, I’m sorry, but you’re it for my question.Problem is that (a)I’m old and (b) I don’t have PowerPoint but this can be amended.  I’m working with Google...
FAQ: Old Data On Slide While Transitioning

FAQ: Old Data On Slide While Transitioning

With DataPoint you can link text boxes to data sources like files and databases. When the dynamic text box is used on a slide with a transition, then you will see old data during the transition since PowerPoint has made a bitmap or cache of the slide and it uses that...
FAQ: PowerPoint Presentations on Multiple Screens

FAQ: PowerPoint Presentations on Multiple Screens

I am looking into something to play a PowerPoint presentation on multiple screens from one computer. I am looking into something to play a PowerPoint presentation on multiple screens from one computer. We are currently using 3 static images on 3 screens and we want to...
FAQ: Maximum PowerPoint Resolution

FAQ: Maximum PowerPoint Resolution

What is the possible maximum PowerPoint resolution for slideshows? I’m looking at Dynamic Wall. Can Dynamic Wall do a 1 x 4 wide format (64 X 9)? What resolution can it produce on each of the screens? SB We have 2 products that can be used to display a...
FAQ: How to Use Linked Pictures

FAQ: How to Use Linked Pictures

In our new FAQ section we discuss a frequently asked question that we get in at our helpdesk. This time we were asked how to use linked pictures for events on slides and we want to share this question and its possible solutions with you. I am working with a small...